Face and Neck Lift in New York

Welcome to our premier destination for face and neck lift surgery in New York. At our practice, we understand the importance of tailored solutions to help you achieve your desired changes. As your face ages due to a variety of factors, including sun exposure, smoking, and gravity, our team led by Dr. Yager offers comprehensive techniques to address these concerns. Discover how our advanced procedures can restore your natural beauty and confidence.

Understanding the Aging Process

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As time passes, your face experiences two primary forms of aging. The skin undergoes changes due to external factors like sun exposure, dehydration, and the loss of elasticity from repeated facial expressions. Simultaneously, gravity contributes to tissue drooping and relaxation. Our traditional facelift surgery excels at restoring the natural position of tissues in the cheek, jowl, and neck. However, it’s essential to note that this procedure does not address issues like fine line wrinkles, discolorations, or nasolabial folds.

To provide a holistic solution, we utilize topical medications, injections, and minor additional procedures, all of which can be discussed during your personalized consultation.

​Customized Approach for Natural Results

Dr. Yager recognizes the common concern of an unnatural appearance following facelifts. He shares this concern and is committed to understanding your unique goals. Everyone’s ideal outcome is distinct, from subtle cheek lifts to a tighter jawline and reduced nasolabial folds. With an in-depth understanding of diverse anatomies and desired outcomes, Dr. Yager employs a range of facial surgery techniques to provide a tailored approach. Through precise elevation of deeper tissues and lateral skin repositioning, enhancements are achieved while preserving your natural essence.

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Whether an upper facelift focusing on the cheek and jowl or a necklift for neck tightening, Dr. Yager will guide you through the most suitable options during your consultation.

Safe & Comprehensive Procedure

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Ensuring your comfort and safety, our procedures are conducted under the supervision of an experienced anesthesiologist using monitored sedation. This approach provides a level of comfort comparable to a peaceful sleep in your own bed. Preparing for the procedure is crucial, and we advise refraining from smoking for at least three weeks prior to surgery. Smoking and nicotine can elevate the risks of complications and scarring during the healing process. Often, our facelifts are complemented by eyelid, brow, and chin enhancement surgeries, further enhancing your results.

You cannot hide your face with clothing, so it is crucial that a facial rejuvenation is done with a minimum of evidence. In as little as 45 minutes, under light sedation, by using a more modern approach, you can be back to work in a week looking refreshed and younger.

– Dr. Yager


45 - 120 min

Recovery Time

2 weeks


Monitored Sedation or General Anesthesia

Helpful Hints

  • Bring a head scarf and dark glasses to cover up your bandages after surgery
  • Color your hair 48 hrs prior to surgery
  • Buy baby shampoo

Commonly Combined with

  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Injectable Treatments
  • Skin Care

Customers' Journey With SYA

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Office Hours

Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-7pm
Wednesday: 9am-7pm
Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9am-5:30pm
Tuesday: 9am-5:30pm
Wednesday: 9am-5:30pm
Thursday: 9am-5:30pm
Friday: 9am-5:30pm
Saturday: 9am-5:30pm
Sunday: Closed

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