Abdominoplasty in New York City

Remove skin and fat, tightens muscles, and reshape the abdominal wall for a smoother, firmer appearance.

If you have loose skin or muscle, an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck is often the best option.

female patient’s bare stomach before tummy tuck


female patient’s bare stomach after tummy tuck, much flatter after procedure


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Abdominoplasty Benefits

There are many changes that occur in the body with pregnancy and large weight shifts. As the abdomen expands, the two stomach muscles that normally hold everything in flat can stretch and separate. After weight loss or delivery, the muscles do not always return to their original positions, and can leave residual looseness.

If you have loose skin or muscle, an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck is often the best option.

  • Abdominal contour refinement: Enhancing the shape and definition of the abdominal area.
  • Elimination of lower abdominal striae: Removal of stretch marks located in the lower abdominal region.
  • Enhancement of umbilicus position and aesthetics: Improving the placement and visual appeal of the belly button.
  • Restoration of rectus abdominis muscles: Reestablishing the integrity and functionality of the rectus abdominis muscles through surgical intervention.

“With my experience performing nearly 1,000 abdominoplasties, I have been able to refine my techniques to minimize patient time under anesthesia, and lower their risks while maximizing cosmetic outcome. This allows me to more safely combine abdominoplasty with other procedures so patients can achieve more complete results while minimizing time away from work. It’s amazing how fast our patients recover after a tummy tuck, and the dramatic changes they experience in the clothing they wear and their lifestyles.”

– Dr. Yager

Dr Jeffery Yager


60 Min to 90 Min


General or Epidural

Recovery Time

2 weeks minimum If heavy lifting is needed, can be up to 6 weeks

Commonly Combined with

Liposuction of Back/ Waist, Breast Lift/ Buttock Lift, Fat Transfer To Buttocks, Breast Surgery

How It Works


A physical exam to determine if your problem is skin, muscle, fat or a combination.


Look at before and after pictures, and create a customized plan to resolve your concerns.

Preparing For Your Abdominoplasty

  1. If you are considering weight loss, it is best done prior to surgery, as Dr. Yager will be able to maximize your result. Being five or ten pounds overweight is not a problem, but more than that can affect your result. All smoking must be stopped 3 weeks pre and post surgery, as nicotine can delay wound healing and even cause skin loss.
  2. If it is a tummy tuck that you require, it is best done after your last child, as pregnancy with weight gain can cause the same stretching to occur again. If you do become pregnant after surgery, there is no danger to you or your child.
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Abdominoplasty Recovery Path

The post-operative recovery process is crucial to the final outcome. Here’s what to expect after your procedure:

  • You will have to wear a girdle for 6 weeks after surgery, and will have a small drain that collects in a plastic reservoir for 4-7 days.
  • Expect discomfort for the first 3 days. At one week, most patients feel quite well. We recommend 2 weeks off of work, as you need to feel comfortable. The only restrictions at 2 weeks are no heavy lifting or straining. By 6 weeks, you can do abdominal crunches.
  • You will have several post-op visits the first week, as this is the crucial healing time, and quite a few more throughout the year.
  • Staying bent at the waist during the first week is important to healing a fine line scar.
  • Help in the house is often needed. You will need the prescribed pain medication and antibiotic.

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