Breast Augmentation Gallery

“Artfully done breast augmentation can produce a result that looks like real breasts, not implants. This is possible to achieve by carefully considering the best options that suit every individual woman. Delivering a balanced, natural result that is in harmony with your body is my ultimate goal.”

— Dr.Yager

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She is a 25 years old woman with one child who desired Breast Augmentation. She is 5’6” and 140 lbs. Sailne 360cc implants filled to 290cc gives her a very pleasant and nature shape.

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She is a 32 years old woman, 5’4” and 154 lbs, who wanted to balance the curves of her hips with her breasts. Although, they are both different, a 270cc saline implant gives her a more harmonious curve.

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She is a 24 years old woman with two children who had saline filled breast implants of 300cc placed through her axillas (underarms). She is 5′, 90 lbs. Note the lifting effect obtained even with the implant placed behind the muscle.

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Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-7pm
Wednesday: 9am-7pm
Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9am-5:30pm
Tuesday: 9am-5:30pm
Wednesday: 9am-5:30pm
Thursday: 9am-5:30pm
Friday: 9am-5:30pm
Saturday: 9am-5:30pm
Sunday: Closed

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