Answering Common Breast Augmentation Questions

Young,Woman,Checking,Her,Breast,On,Color,Background.,Cancer,AwarenessBreast augmentations are one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the United States with nearly 300,000 surgeries taking place in 2022. Not only are breast augmentations popular, they are incredibly effective at helping people achieve their aesthetic goals by increasing the size and symmetry of their breasts.

If you’re considering breast augmentation, you may have questions. Here are answers to the common questions most people have.

Will Breast Augmentation Alter the Position of Your Breasts?

Breast augmentations are primarily utilized when someone is looking to change the size, shape, and symmetry of their breasts through implantation. While implantation will naturally affect the appearance of the position of the breasts, to truly alter positioning, you may want to consider a breast lift.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Implants, regardless of the material they are made of, generally may last up to two decades. Though your results may vary, following your surgeon’s instructions can extend the lifespan of your implants.

For those with silicone implants, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recognizes the importance of following your surgeon’s aftercare advice, such as getting an MRI after 5-6 years from the initial surgery, then every 2-3 years afterward.

Your surgeon will have the necessary guidelines for you to follow and maximize what you can achieve with a breast augmentation.

Does Breast Augmentation Hurt?

The procedure is typically performed with general or local anesthesia. Under local, you remain awake, but the breast area is completely numbed, so you will not feel any pain during the procedure.

Some discomfort, pain, and swelling is normal after surgery. Any pain you feel during the recovery process should subside as time passes and your body heals.

Breast Augmentation at SY Aesthetics

Breast augmentations are an incredibly personal procedure that requires a compassionate and capable plastic surgeon.

SY Aesthetics has locations in Middletown, NY, and Washington Heights, NYC. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Yager is an award-winning researcher who is proud to offer a size matrix system at SY Aesthetics that can offer a variety of looks at the same volume. Dr. Yager can help you meet your exact breast augmentation goals.

For breast augmentation at a clinic that integrates wellness with beauty, please submit a contact form at the bottom of our site or call 1-212-543-1700.

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